Grey & Blonde hairs be gone... with Electrolysis

It's an oldie but a goodie...

Unwanted hairs? We've got you x

Electrolysis is an oldie but a goodie. This method of hair removal can treat ALL hairs and ALL skin types.

Grey hairs, blonde hairs, dark hairs, anywhere on the body. So let's tell you a little more about this fabulous method to get rid of those unwanted hairs of yours...

Hair removal for us is one of the biggest things we do, from all ages and walks of life, we will give you an answer to suit you and your unwanted hair.

We all know Laser cannot treat white or blonde hairs well, this is because the Laser Beam is designed to heat melanin (brown hair), This is where electrolysis comes in...

We treat one hair at a time with electrolysis, with a very fine gold needle, for approximately 5-10seconds depending on the hair type and parameters we have the machine on. During these few seconds, the electric current will produce a substance called 'lye' & will kill off the bottom of the hair follicle instantly and we did pull that hair out straight away. 

The most common area of concern that we would treat with electrolysis is the face and neck, although you can treat it anywhere on the body. When we look at areas like underarms and bikinis, this is a very dense area of hair and we would recommend Laser (Click here to read our Laser Hair Removal Blog), if we have any grey hairs left, we can nab them with our Electrolysis Machine.

Once we have treated your area of concern with Electrolysis, things to expect post-treatment will be a small inflammation of the hair follicle (looks like a teeny red itchy bite), which we can cover with soothing serums and tinted SPF- this will subside after a few hours. We would then ask you to not use any aggressive skincare products on this area for 24 hours, do not touch the treated area with unwashed hands.

This hair should not return if we treat it within the right hair growth phase.

Every 6 weeks or so your hairs will fall out on your treated area and a new one will come in its place. This is your hair growth cycle.

If the hair we are treating, is in the last phase of this cycle and is detached from its follicle and about to shed, this isn't an ideal time to treat, and a new hair will come up within a couple of weeks. This is why it's important to return and get your electrolysis done as soon as you see the unwanted hairs pop up. Gradually we will get your desired result.

If you are treating a hormonal area like facial hair, your hormones could be fighting against us, this means you may need a few more top-up treatments, but you will still get the results you are after, it just might take a few more consecutive treatments. Each individual is different. 

We are always here to help, my friend. Please let us know if you have any questions at all, via our email or online consults.

See you soon x 


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